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Kathering Wigington

Kathryn Wigington



    My name is Kathryn Wigington, and I am currently a sophomore at the University of Tennessee. I am majoring in Marketing within the Haslam College of Business. I chose marketing as my major because it allows me to leverage several of my strengths, including communication, organization, and leadership.

    During my time at the University of Tennessee, I've come to appreciate the significance of authenticity. I've realized that by embracing your unique personality and using it to set yourself apart from others striving for similar goals, you can not only stand out but also achieve success. This principle has proven true in all my endeavors, and I remain genuine and transparent in my interactions with fellow students and faculty.

    My initial reason for joining the Heath Integrated Business and Engineering Program (Heath IBEP) was founded on the principle that a comprehensive understanding of the products being marketed is essential for marketers. Effective communication with the engineers responsible for product design is the key to achieving this understanding, as it fosters a common ground between creators and marketers. This common ground, in turn, enables the team to refine their strategies and leverage their collective skills to reach their target market. I'm confident that the Heath IBEP program will equip me with the necessary 'language of engineering,' which will, in turn, sharpen my skills as a marketer.

    Upon graduation, my plans include pursuing a graduate degree, most likely an MBA. Ultimately, my career aspirations lead me to the entertainment industry. I dream of working at a 'dream-selling' company like Disney, Universal, or Paramount.


    Kathering Wigington

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