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Jamie Kobin

Jamie Kobin

Supply Chain Management


    I'm Jamie Kobin, and I'm majoring in Supply Chain Management in the Heath Integrated Business and Engineering (Heath IBEP) cohort of 2026. I'm also a member of the Volunteer Impact Academy (VIA) cohort, where I focus on my personal leadership qualities and impact on campus. I enjoy getting involved in student organizations and value diversifying my skills. I'm passionate about innovation and learning new things, which led me to complete my Career Ready- Supply Chain Management Certification during my freshman year. This certification taught me the basics of SQL and Power BI, and how to network in the business world. Before my college career, I spent my free time working in the food service industry, and my experience in a management position taught me the importance of professional communication and time management. I continue to use these skills to excel in academics and navigate my future career.

    During COVID-19, I became invested in building keyboards and playing video games. When I had the opportunity to build my first keyboard, I realized how much I enjoyed the problem-solving aspect of putting together the parts. As a curious person, the building process sparked my interest in engineering. Additionally, I wanted to join the cohort to learn about the engineering side of entrepreneurship. I believe that entrepreneurial minds are valuable for progressive change and a more sustainable world. Everything clicked for me when I heard about the Heath IBEP program. I'm excited for my cohort journey and the people I get the privilege to collaborate with for the next three years.

    Looking ahead to my personal career, I envision myself in a rapidly changing and high-stake environment where I get to make impactful decisions. My professional goal is to implement artificial intelligence into supply chains, creating a rapidly efficient digital experience. I am eager to apply myself to the technology industry, where I can hold a position to explore both my personal and professional interests in upcoming technology.


    Jamie Kobin

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