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Elisha Hughes

Elisha Brabson-Hughes

Mechanical Engineering


    My name is Elisha Brabson-Hughes, a proud Tennessee Volunteer pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering with double minors in Business and Leadership. Before college, basketball was a central part of my life and a significant aspect of my identity. Through my basketball journey, I learned the values of persistence, incremental improvement, effective communication, teamwork, and leadership. I began applying these skills in various aspects of my life. However, as my senior year approached, I realized that while I loved basketball, I wanted to redirect my knowledge, skills, and abilities toward a different career. I yearned for a path where I could apply my engineering mindset to a business context.

    My current leadership classes have nurtured my interest in leading multidisciplinary teams to create products or services that consider all facets of the business, including marketing, manufacturing, design, sales, and legal aspects. When I was introduced to the Heath Business and Engineering Program (Heath IBEP), I was ecstatic to discover a program that promotes collaboration among engineering and business students and addresses the complexity of the real world. Heath IBEP fosters the sharing and cooperation of engineering and business students and equips them with strategies and decision-making processes to enhance their leadership and communication skills. This program is founded on the values of mutual respect and inclusion, which I deeply appreciate. Moreover, Heath IBEP is a hands-on program that provides opportunities to apply what I learn in my engineering and business classes to real-world scenarios. However, the most exhilarating aspect of this program is the opportunity to be paired with a mentor who can provide the guidance I need to achieve my professional goals.

    My immediate professional goals begin with my co-op opportunity in the spring semester with the Transmission division of Georgia Power in Atlanta. The power industry faces environmental challenges and the necessity to modernize infrastructure. I aspire to gain a better understanding of how Georgia Power is addressing these challenges and what the future needs of the industry entail. My academic plans include graduating with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, complemented by minors in Leadership and Business. I also have ambitions to pursue further education, including earning an MBA, obtaining a PE license, and acquiring certification in lean six sigma.

    In the future, I envision establishing a company that combines innovative engineering with sound business practices. It will be a business built on intellectual curiosity, mutual respect, and open communication, providing opportunities for underrepresented and underdeveloped communities. While I recognize that this journey will not be without challenges, my adaptable nature and readiness to face changing situations and obstacles fuel my anticipation for the future.


    Elisha Hughes

    The flagship campus of the University of Tennessee System and partner in the Tennessee Transfer Pathway.

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