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Caroline Whitaker

Caroline Whitaker

Chemical Engineering


    I am Caroline Whitaker, majoring in chemical engineering and a member of the 2026 cohort of the Heath Integrated Business and Engineering Program (Heath IBEP). My favorite pastime is exercise, as it helps me destress. This preference has instilled adaptability as my greatest strength. New environments and interactions with different groups of people can be stressful, but I know that I can rely on my exercise routine to clear my mind later in the day. I've learned that adapting to unfamiliar situations can lead to unexpected growth; stepping out of my comfort zone has been instrumental in my personal development. For instance, I had to adapt to the workload in my engineering courses by studying in groups, which has allowed me to acquire a wealth of knowledge and connect with highly intelligent individuals.

    I initially decided to apply for Heath IBEP because I desired to collaborate with like-minded students. I wanted to be held accountable and surrounded by individuals who are as motivated as I am. I believe that I can learn a great deal from those I work with. Approximately half of the students in my cohort are business majors, and their different perspectives challenge my thinking in valuable ways. One of my goals is to secure an internship for the summer, and I knew that Heath IBEP would guide me in the right direction by providing site visits and unique hands-on experiences with companies that I wouldn't find elsewhere.

    In addition to having a chemical engineering internship this summer, my immediate goals include getting involved in on-campus research. I am particularly interested in how chemical engineering can contribute to environmental conservation. During the summer, I learned about converting waste products into energy to reduce pollution and harness natural gases, which ignited my interest in this field. After completing my undergraduate degree, I aspire to earn a Master of Chemical Engineering and a Master of Business Administration. I am eager to absorb all that Heath IBEP has to offer and to connect with innovative minds.


    Caroline Whitaker

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