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Bonnie Claire Phillips

Bonnie Claire Phillips



    My time at the University of Tennessee has provided me with the opportunity to reflect on my collaboration with others and has challenged me to continuously refine my skills as an effective leader and team member. I have a strong affinity for working within teams and approach collaboration with the goal of fostering harmony by encouraging every individual to share their ideas and seeking areas of compromise. I also take great pleasure in empowering others to assume leadership roles and develop their strengths.

    Growing up as a 4-H member, I've witnessed the significance of investing in others, just as the leaders in my life invested in me. Some of my most rewarding experiences in 4-H came from working alongside other members as they pursued positions within the club and aimed to enhance their leadership and communication abilities. This commitment to equipping others has continued into my college years through my involvement in the AIM Accounting Alliance. As the president of the accounting club for the 2023-2024 term, I am dedicated to enabling the officers to excel in their roles and providing them with opportunities to improve their communication and service skills. Moreover, I am determined to support every club member as they shape their career aspirations.

    As a member of Heath Integrated Business and Engineering Program, I am eager to collaborate on diverse teams, broaden my understanding of the engineering world, and learn to approach challenges in the business realm with a multifaceted mindset. Within this program, I am also looking forward to embracing the concept of failure. While I strive to get things right on the first try, I understand that in the professional world, perfection isn't always achievable. What truly matters is how we respond to our mistakes. Valuable lessons can be learned from them, and I eagerly anticipate the challenge of discovering how to work with my team to build resilience, move forward from setbacks, and position ourselves for success.

    Upon completing my undergraduate studies, I plan to pursue a Master of Accountancy and obtain my CPA license. My interests lie in roles related to tax and consulting within the field of accounting. Although I envision myself joining a CPA firm after graduation, I remain open to exploring the various career options within the accounting field.


    Bonnie Claire Phillips

    The flagship campus of the University of Tennessee System and partner in the Tennessee Transfer Pathway.

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