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Anna Day

Anna Day

Biomedical Engineering


    Hello, I'm Anna Day, a current sophomore at the University of Tennessee, majoring in biomedical engineering. Through my experiences, I've had the opportunity to develop various strengths and skills, including my ability to lead in different situations.

    During my first year at UTK, I actively sought opportunities to be a mentor and leader, both on and off campus. I became a member of the Society of Women Engineers, the Society of Biomedical Engineers, and the Alpha Delta Pi sorority. In these organizations, my goal is to utilize my mentoring skills to positively impact the University of Tennessee community by providing guidance and support to younger students. Additionally, last spring, I served as a mentor for youth in a leadership role at my church, Sevier Heights.

    Another of my strengths is effective time management. Despite my involvement in numerous clubs and programs on campus, I prioritize my academics and ensure they are not compromised. I accomplish this by meticulously organizing my weeks, giving precedence to academic commitments and scheduling extracurricular activities around them. I am disciplined in adhering to the time slots I have established.

    My desire to augment my engineering degree with opportunities to develop my business skills is the reason I joined the Heath IBEP program. I recognize the importance of these skills in my aspirations to become a successful entrepreneur or patent lawyer. Learning these skills in an environment that emphasizes both the engineering and business aspects is crucial in establishing a solid foundation for my future success.

    Some of my immediate professional goals include securing a position with a law firm specializing in patent law and further honing the skills required for success in that field. Additionally, I have a keen interest in improving the technology used in various hospitals, with the goal of becoming the go-to person for repairing or replacing equipment.


    Anna Day

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