Computer Engineering
My name is Matthew Jacobs, and I am pursuing a degree in computer engineering with a minor in machine learning. I am also a member of the Heath Integrated Business and Engineering Program (Heath IBEP) 2026 cohort. In my free time, I enjoy staying active, reading books on a wide range of subjects, and keeping up with MLB.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been deeply passionate about helping others. I believe that the best way for me to do this is through the field of technology. Throughout my life, I’ve witnessed technology revolutionize the world in remarkable ways, transforming it almost beyond recognition. I see this transformation as largely positive: advancements in medical technology are saving lives through early detection and intervention, answers to our questions are just seconds away, and our systems are more streamlined than ever. Yet, I am convinced that this journey of improvement is far from over. I am excited by the potential for technology to continue improving the circumstances of humanity, and I am eager to be at the forefront of this.
This passion for helping is a significant reason why Heath IBEP holds such appeal for me. It allows me to bridge the gap between business and engineering, giving me the skillset I need to have a real impact. Heath IBEP provides me with the opportunity to diversify my skillset, making me a more effective, well-rounded, and competitive professional in my future career. As an engineer, having a solid understanding of business will undoubtedly prove invaluable in practical ways, such as comprehending a company's perspective or assessing a product's marketability. However, it also offers less apparent benefits, such as the development of valuable intangible skills that will serve me well in the long term. I also hope to form strong bonds with the other individuals in Heath IBEP, as I believe there is an opportunity to cultivate long-lasting friendships with them.
At present, my aspirations include acquiring the skills necessary to become an effective engineer while also honing my presentation and networking abilities. Ultimately, I aim to pursue a career doing something that bridges hardware and software, such as embedded systems, robotics, and medical technologies. My long-term goal is to assume a technical leadership role within these industries to drive positive change in the world. I eagerly anticipate being a part of the Heath IBEP 2026 cohort and gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to turn this vision into reality.