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Jack Yardley

Finance & Economics

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My name is Jack Yardley and I am a Finance and Economics double major from Livonia, Michigan. Two key characteristics—hard work and dedication—have brought me to where I am today. I believe that you are not determined by the cards you are dealt, but by how you decide to play your hand. I came to the University of Tennessee determined to make the most out of my education and build towards my goal of becoming a leader in the financial services industry. By working diligently in my classes to maintain my status as a Dean’s List student, I was invited to enroll in the exclusive Honors Finance Curriculum and participate in the Heath IBEP program. I have also joined the Tennessee Capital Markets Society and The University of Tennessee Investment Group—two highly regarded finance clubs —to help me along the path to achieving my goal. The Heath IBEP program is important to me because it has allowed me to sharpen my teamwork and critical thinking skills in a challenging environment. I have enjoyed the opportunities this program has provided me, such as participating in mentorships, hearing from experienced speakers, and being involved in numerous class projects that are beneficial in the real world. IBEP has given me the chance to evaluate businesses from all angles, sparking my interest in how financial services ties into the big picture of company management. Wealth Management, Investment Banking, Investment Management, Venture Capital, Mergers and Acquisitions, and Consulting have all been interests of mine while pursuing my undergraduate degree. In the future, I would love a job that gives me the ability to invest in and manage groups and organizations that are making a positive difference in the world. I am passionate about helping others and would love to contribute my knowledge to a job that allows me to give back. While Financial Services is my key area of interest, my background in the IBEP program has given me a broad knowledge in different areas of business as well as the desire to learn new skills.


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