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Olivia Porterfield

Olivia Porterfield

Civil Engineering


    Hello, my name is Olivia Porterfield, and I am currently a sophomore studying civil engineering at the University of Tennessee (UT). During my time here thus far, I've learned a great deal about the importance of hard work and pushing my limits. Throughout my freshman year, I experienced significant growth in my academic, personal, and mental development. I learned that even in stressful times, there is always potential for improvement. UT taught me the value of self-discipline, time management, and the ability to say no when necessary. By mastering these skills, I opened doors to numerous opportunities that I might not have had otherwise, one of which is the Heath Integrated Business and Engineering Program (Heath IBEP).

    One of the primary reasons I joined Heath IBEP was my desire to explore business in addition to engineering. I even considered adding business as a minor. The program stood out to me because it creates a cohort of both engineering and business students, providing a chance to interact with individuals outside of my major on projects. Another reason I chose to join Heath IBEP was the experience and knowledge I would gain from it. I have always believed that the only way to truly learn about something is to experience it, and the program allows me to do just that.

    After meeting my cohort in the spring of 2023, I knew that I needed to be in Heath IBEP. The atmosphere felt like it could push me in the same way I had been pushed during my freshman year, and I appreciated the shared goals of the other students. I hope to apply the knowledge I gain to my future career in civil engineering. Currently, my goal is to earn my degree and pursue the construction track of civil engineering, integrating my passion for sustainability in this field. With that in mind, I aim to work in project management, design engineering, or environmental engineering.


    Olivia Porterfield

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